Explode Your YouTube Channel with Shorts: Our Top Tips

Published by Karan Maur on

Promoting Your Content

We’ve covered how to create great Shorts content, now let’s discuss how to get more eyes on your videos. Promotion is key if you want your Shorts to be discovered. Here are some tips:

  • Cross-post to other platforms. Don’t just upload your Shorts to YouTube. Consider also sharing them on other social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Cross-posting gives you a wider potential reach.
  • Share Shorts links. Include links to your Shorts in your YouTube video descriptions, channel banner, social posts, website, and email newsletters. Make it easy for viewers to find your Shorts.
  • Run YouTube ads. Use YouTube advertising tools to promote your best-performing Shorts. This can get your content in front of relevant audiences.
  • Promote in Stories. Share your Shorts by uploading or linking to them in ephemeral social Stories on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Snapchat.
  • Collaborate with others. Work with social media influencers or other creators to cross-promote each other’s Shorts and expose them to new audiences.
  • Use hashtags. Include relevant hashtags in your Shorts descriptions to make it easier for viewers to find your content in search.
  • Analyze performance data. Check which Shorts are resonating most with viewers and double down on promoting those. Let the data guide your promotional strategy.

Strategically promoting your Shorts gives them the best chance of performing well and attracting new loyal viewers to your channel. Don’t create great content only to have it languish in obscurity – get the word out!

Categories: Social Media

Karan Maur

Karan Maur

Karan is an avid reader and he loves to write on his blogs. He loves travelling and photography. His favourite quote is "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing".