ChatGPT vs Bard: Which AI Assistant Reigns Supreme?

Published by Karan Maur on

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can converse with humans in natural language has progressed rapidly in recent years. Advanced AI chatbots utilize machine learning models called language models to generate human-like text responses to questions and conversations.

Two of the most advanced chatbots that have emerged are ChatGPT, created by the research company OpenAI, and Bard, developed by Google. ChatGPT was released to the public in late 2022 while Bard was announced in February 2023 as Google’s response to the popularity of ChatGPT. Both chatbots demonstrate the immense progress that has been made in natural language processing and the potential for AI to have human-like conversational abilities.

ChatGPT and Bard represent a new generation of chatbots that are powered by large language models trained on massive amounts of text data from the internet. This training enables the AI models to generate coherent, nuanced, and seemingly intelligent responses on a wide range of topics when prompted with natural language questions and conversation. The goal with both ChatGPT and Bard is to create conversational AI assistants that can be helpful, harmless, and honest.

ChatGPT Overview

ChatGPT is a generative artificial intelligence system created by Anthropic, an AI safety startup based in San Francisco. It was released to the public in November 2022 and quickly gained widespread popularity due to its advanced conversational abilities.

ChatGPT is powered by a large language model that was trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet. This allows it to generate human-like responses on a wide range of topics in a conversational manner. Users can interact with ChatGPT by giving it natural language prompts, to which it will respond in paragraph-form.

Some key capabilities of ChatGPT include:

  • Conversing coherently on open-ended topics
  • Answering follow-up questions and adjusting responses based on new information
  • Explaining concepts simply and generating content on demand
  • Admitting mistakes and rejecting inappropriate requests

Despite its impressive language skills, ChatGPT does have some limitations. It lacks common sense and doesn’t have true comprehension. All of its knowledge comes from training data up to 2021, so it lacks current real-world knowledge. It may also occasionally generate false information or biased responses.

Overall, the launch of ChatGPT represents a major advancement in AI’s language and reasoning abilities. Its conversational nature and versatility make it an exciting new tool, although users should be aware of its limitations.

Bard Overview

Bard is an experimental conversational AI service created by Google. It was announced in February 2023 as Google’s rival to ChatGPT.

Bard aims to provide helpful, high-quality information to users through natural conversations. It utilizes Google’s own language model called LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications). This allows Bard to understand complex contexts and generate responses based on its training data.

Unlike ChatGPT which is owned by OpenAI, Bard is designed and built solely by Google. The company highlighted Bard’s ability to leverage information from the internet to provide up-to-date responses. During the launch announcement, Google CEO Sundar Pichai stated that Bard will combine the breadth of world knowledge with the power, intelligence and creativity of Google’s language models.

Bard is currently being tested internally at Google. The company plans to open it up to trusted external testers soon before making it more widely available to the public later in 2023. Google has positioned Bard as central to the future of its business, touting it as its AI chatbot that can have natural conversations on any topic.

Language Model

ChatGPT and Bard rely on fundamentally different language models. ChatGPT uses GPT-3, an autoregressive language model developed by OpenAI. GPT-3 has over 175 billion parameters and was trained on a massive dataset of online text. This allows it to generate remarkably human-like text by predicting the next word in a sequence based on the previous words.

In contrast, Bard uses LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications), Google’s own language model designed specifically for dialogue. LaMDA has over 130 billion parameters and was trained not just on text but also conversational data. This allows it to have more natural conversations. While GPT-3 aims to generate any type of text, LaMDA is focused on dialogue.

The different underlying language models contribute to differences in capabilities between ChatGPT and Bard. GPT-3’s strength lies in long-form text generation while LaMDA aims to have more natural, contextual conversations. It remains to be seen which approach will prove more capable over time. But the language model is central to how these AI systems operate.

Knowledge Base

ChatGPT was trained on data across the internet up until 2021. This gives it an extensive foundation of knowledge on topics ranging from pop culture to science and technology. However, since the model is not being updated, its knowledge base is fixed as of 2021.

Bard, on the other hand, has been trained on more recent data across the web. This gives Bard an advantage in terms of understanding the latest topics, events, and information across domains. While the details of Bard’s training data are not fully disclosed, it likely includes data from 2022 and potentially into 2023. This means Bard may have stronger knowledge about emerging topics like ChatGPT itself, new AI systems, crypto/Web3 trends, and other recent events.

The recency of Bard’s training data gives it an edge for questions and conversations about the present day. However, ChatGPT’s extensive foundation on data through 2021 grants it in-depth knowledge that may sometimes surpass Bard, depending on the topic. Both models have strengths and weaknesses in their knowledge that stem from their different training periods.


ChatGPT and Bard have some overlapping capabilities, but also differ in key areas based on their underlying AI models.

ChatGPT has demonstrated extremely strong natural language text generation abilities. It can understand prompts and contexts, then generate coherent and fluent text responses on a wide array of topics. This includes conversational responses, explanatory texts, creative writing samples, code generation, and more. However, the tradeoff is that ChatGPT sometimes generates plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical responses. It does not have a robust mechanism for checking facts.

In contrast, Bard aims to provide more accurate and factual responses by incorporating additional knowledge sources. Google states Bard is designed to combine the breadth of the web with the depth, nuance and factual grounding of high-quality reference materials. Early tests indicate Bard exhibits stronger factual accuracy compared to ChatGPT, but may have some limitations around creative text generation.

So in summary, ChatGPT leads in natural language prowess and text generation capabilities, while Bard aims to harness knowledge from the web and vetted sources to provide more useful, factual responses. Both have advantages and disadvantages that may make one better suited than the other depending on the use case.


Despite the impressive capabilities of ChatGPT and Bard, they do have limitations. As AI systems, they face issues with factual accuracy. Neither current system can be fully trusted as an authority on factual information. Their knowledge comes from analyzing available data, but there will naturally be gaps that lead to incorrect or biased responses. Even with the most advanced content filters, some inaccurate or biased information can slip through.

For example, some of ChatGPT’s responses may rely on outdated sources and present out-of-date facts as current. Other responses can seem certain of an answer when the system actually lacks the full context to make such an assertion. Both systems may exhibit biases from their training data as well. This is especially concerning for sensitive topics related to race, gender, politics and more. Neither AI can necessarily override harmful stereotypes and assumptions that exist in the available data.

In summary, users should be aware that while ChatGPT and Bard can offer conversational explanations on many topics, they do not possess true understanding. Their knowledge consists of patterns from data, not lived experience and critical thinking skills. So while these AI can offer useful information, they cannot be fully relied upon for complete accuracy and neutral perspectives. Human oversight is still required to catch potential factual errors, logical inconsistencies, and biased assertions. More work is needed to improve the factual diligence and ethical alignment of such AI systems.

Use Cases

ChatGPT and Bard have a range of potential uses across many different fields. Some of the key use cases include:


  • Writing assistance – Both ChatGPT and Bard can help students and teachers by providing writing support. They can help brainstorm ideas, provide sentence starters, assist with essay structure and flow, and more.
  • Individualized learning – The AI models can generate personalized lessons, practice questions, examples and explanations based on a student’s needs. This allows for more adaptive learning.
  • Teaching support – Teachers can use ChatGPT and Bard to create lessons, assignments, quizzes, and interactive learning activities customized to their curriculum.
  • Feedback – Students can submit writing drafts to the AI models to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement based on criteria provided by the teacher.


  • Brainstorming – ChatGPT and Bard are great brainstorming partners for coming up with ideas, titles, characters, plot lines, and more. The conversational nature makes the brainstorming process more interactive.
  • Writing support – The AI models can assist creative writers with writing prompts, expanding outlines, describing settings/characters, improving dialogue, and catching grammar errors.
  • Content creation – ChatGPT and Bard can generate written content, ad copy, scripts, lyrics, code, and other creative assets based on a prompt.


  • Customer service – The models can answer customer questions, provide technical support, address complaints, recommend products/services, and overall improve customer satisfaction.
  • Research – ChatGPT and Bard are very adept at searching the internet and summarizing information on just about any topic quickly and comprehensively.
  • Task automation – The AI can generate to-do lists, schedule meetings, set reminders/alerts, extract data, fill out forms, and complete other repetitive digital tasks to save time.

Ethical Concerns

One of the biggest discussions surrounding conversational AI systems like ChatGPT and Bard is their potential for misuse and the need for oversight. Since these systems generate increasingly human-like text, there is concern that they could be used to spread misinformation, plagiarize content, or automate harmful online activities.

Unlike traditional search engines, ChatGPT and Bard do not have editorial oversight or fact-checking processes built in. This means false or dangerous information provided by the systems could be perceived as authoritative or trustworthy. The systems themselves also do not have a way to discern facts versus fiction.

Additionally, while large language models like ChatGPT cannot access the internet directly, they do contain training data from public websites which may include biased, toxic or false content. This raises concerns about how such data could influence the systems’ outputs and reinforce problematic societal viewpoints.

More transparency and accountability around how these AI systems work, their capabilities and limitations, as well as developing frameworks for responsible and ethical use will be important as the technology continues advancing rapidly. Having human oversight and not fully outsourcing judgment to black-box AI systems will also be critical moving forward.

The Future

Where are chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard headed next? There are several key areas we can expect to see rapid innovation and advancement:


  • Improved reasoning skills – Chatbots will get better at logical reasoning, causal understanding, and making inferences. This will enable more nuanced conversations.
  • Subject matter expertise – Specialized chatbots focused on specific domains like medicine, law, engineering etc will emerge with deep knowledge of that field.
  • Creative abilities – Chatbots may become better at creative tasks like generating poems, lyrics, code, art and more. Creativity and imagination remain challenging areas for AI.
  • Multimodal skills – Chatbots will become adept at understanding and generating information across text, images, audio and video. A multimodal approach allows more human-like communication.


  • Integration into more apps and devices – Chatbots will be built into everything from search engines to office productivity suites to IoT devices. Ubiquitous access through voice assistants, messaging apps, websites etc.
  • Support for more languages – Most chatbots today work best with English but support for other languages is rapidly improving to serve global users.
  • Lower cost and wider deployment – As the technology matures, costs will decrease enabling wider access including for specialized domains, small businesses, individuals etc. Democratization of AI.


  • Improved transparency – Chatbot capabilities, limitations and training data will be more transparent to build appropriate trust with users.
  • Enhanced accuracy – Mitigating harmful bias, misinformation and errors will be an ongoing priority as chatbots interact with the open world. Accuracy and truthfulness are paramount.
  • Alignment with human values – Developing solutions that align with human ethics and promote wisdom, truth, peace, and the well-being of all people. Ensuring chatbots remain helpful tools rather than agents of harm.

The future looks bright for chatbots, with excitement ahead balanced by thoughtfulness on managing risks. The true potential will emerge when chatbots work symbiotically with humans, augmenting rather than replacing our unique capabilities. With a human-centric approach, this technology can empower us to achieve great things.


In summary, ChatGPT and Bard represent two of the most advanced conversational AI chatbots available today. Both are built by leading tech companies and showcase the rapid progress being made in natural language processing.

ChatGPT, developed first by OpenAI, quickly gained popularity for its eloquent responses across many topics. However, it lacks context for recent events and cannot cite sources. Bard, introduced more recently by Google, aims to provide more up-to-date information. But it has faced criticism over factual inaccuracies in its responses so far.

It remains to be seen which platform will prevail as the technology continues advancing. Each has strengths and weaknesses at this stage. ChatGPT offers remarkably human-like conversations, while Bard integrates search to access more current information.

Going forward, critical considerations will be accuracy, knowledge breadth, and handling of biased, harmful, or unethical inputs. Responsible development balancing AI capabilities with social good will be key.

The public launch of tools like ChatGPT and Bard usher in a new era of AI. While the technology holds great promise to augment human capabilities, we must thoughtfully guide its progress. With care and wisdom, conversational AI could provide knowledge, insight and utility benefiting all.

Karan Maur

Karan Maur

Karan is an avid reader and he loves to write on his blogs. He loves travelling and photography. His favourite quote is "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing".